Please turn off your WiFi/VPN connection and try again.

Or you can click below button to access roaming service page via csl/1010 app.

For enquiries, please contact our free 24-Hour Overseas Hotline
1O1O: +852 3477 4088
csl: +852 3477 4089
Club SIM: +852 3477 4090
(Reference no.: 10001-)

請關閉你的 WiFi / VPN連接並重試。

您也可以點擊下方按鈕,透過csl/1010 app 訪問漫游服務頁面。

1O1O: +852 3477 4088
csl: +852 3477 4089
Club SIM: +852 3477 4090
(查詢編號: 10001-)